Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Projects for May

So, I worked my ever living guts out getting ready for our May LARP event.  I had a ton of orders to fill and *somehow* pulled it off.

The doublet tore on account of my customers beefy shoulders, so I am making him a new doublet and selling the one pictured in our ETSY store once I mend it.  I didn't account for him going all Incredible Hulk on me, so the next one will be reinforced... and larger.  It will work well for a smaller chest and be beautiful.

I also tried out my Mongol Coat pattern and it worked magnificently!  My customer loved it and it really looks great on her.  If I have time on my vacation, I'll probably make one for the store as well.

I also worked on a couple bocksten tunics.  Every time I make one I get a little better at it, which is good because it takes forever and a damn day t sew one!  I also tried out my 2 gore bocksten pattern, but didn't get a good picture of it.  I did end up modifying my pattern for it though, so I've updated my previous blog to reflect the updated pattern.  In any case, here's one of my 4-gore bockstens all done and looking dashing!

Finally, I had a last minute order for a friend who needed something to be made "magic" at our LARP.  He wanted a mantle that would pass as high enough quality to be magic and would help him look more "druidy".  The difficulty was that he wanted black or grey material... hence bunny fur and green trim.  I was really happy with how this turned out.  I may have to make one for myself one of these days.  Oh, and fun sidenote  - rotary cutters slice through rabbit hide like friggen BUTTER.  ; )

Oh, and you may have noticed... my wonderful husband surprised me with my very own dress form.  I love it sooooo much.  Not only does it make taking pictures of my projects easier, but it keeps me from making him model dresses for me.  Win win.  =)

1 comment:

  1. I saw these in action--great job!! The mongol coat, of course, is near and dear to my heart, but the V-doublet is HAWT. It leads the eye around the body in an interesting way.
